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Our Intelligent Data Hub and Composable Application Development Platform


What is FINIUM?

FINIUM is a low code intelligent data hub and rapid application development platform. Utilising open-source components to provide acceleration of process automation and data projects, thus delivering results faster than traditional methods.


Introducing linkFINIUM

Linktank and The Data Company have established the first-of-its-kind data and technology integration hub, linkFINIUM, in South Africa that will offer independent advisors access to standard industry integrations on a subscription basis.

linkFINIUM is our data and integration hub, that is largely aimed at the independent financial advisor market, but with spill-over opportunities into technology, service, and product providers.

While corporates may be able to afford the cost of integrating their technology and leveraging the resultant data opportunities, independent financial advisors often cannot. Although linkFINIUM is equally applicable to large and small organisations, it effectively extends the opportunity for innovation to smaller businesses.

linkFINIUM is a collaborative framework in the financial services industry that enables technology providers, financial advisors, and clients to benefit from the pooling of different skills and resources.

linkFINIUM offers advanced and cost-effective technology solutions and services to organisations, including independent financial advisory practices, that enable them to tackle their data challenges.

linkFINIUM allows financial planning businesses to unlock the power of their data and enjoy the benefits of choosing the technology that works best for their business.

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By developing and centrally maintaining standard ‘connectors’, linkFINIUM will enable businesses to link their disparate systems.


Taking your data from a number of different sources and ingesting, correlating, enriching and transforming that data, to generate a single source of truth of clean data. This can then be used for building business applications and dashboards, in just days rather than months!

dataFINIUM is a data platform that brings all of your multi-structured data together, curates and enriches it for both transactional and analytical applications, securely and at scale. dataFINIUM enables organisations to spend less time gathering, cleaning and correlating data and more time visualising and analysing it.

dataFINIUM circle with green, blue and purple sections

The Challenge

Data is the new oil but like oil it is only useful if it has been refined and standardised into something that can be useful such as analysis, reporting or used with AI for advanced analytics. Herein lies the challenge for many organisations. As a result of growth, mergers and new initiatives data is stored in a multitude of systems, databases and spreadsheets in different formats, structures and quality. Add to this the introduction of new external data sources and many companies are spending a huge amount of time and resources to collate, refine, format data to then build and maintain data marts to be useful and yet still 80% of the data lying within in their systems remains unused.

Mockup of computer with The Data Company software and different coloured pie chart

The Solution

dataFINIUM, our Intelligent Data Hub, enables your organisation to unlock the data that is stored in multiple systems, databases and spreadsheets. dataFINIUM can ingest structured and unstructured data from internal and external sources, clean it, transform it and enrich it to deliver a “Single Source of the Truth”. This then allows the full data capabilities from self- service standard reporting, through advanced analytics, predictive models and machine learning to true artificial intelligence.

In addition, data management activities may be automated, from data cleansing to data migration. dataFINIUM is a fully integrated data infrastructure platform, based upon industry leading technologies, including Apache NiFi, Spark, Java and Hadoop; hosted on your dedicated AWS or Azure cloud. The “no-code” Workbench manages the platform and is built in light- weight web browser-based technologies.

dataFINIUM has over 360 adapters that enables it to quickly connect to different data sources, whatever their structure or format enabling dataFINIUM to be rapidly implemented. dataFINIUM allows data and analytics projects to be achieved in weeks to achieve a fast return in investment.

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in 3 Easy Steps


Key Features & Main Benefits

360 Adapters

360 adapters to connect to multiple data sources


Workbench automates tasks and management of data


Updates new source data automatically


Pull or push data at field level or as high-volume stream of data

Send Alerts

Send alerts and events directly to your mobile devices or other applications


Fast implementation and return on investment


Flexible pricing model


infoFINIUM is our modern composable application development platform which helps your organisation to respond to changing business needs by delivering new applications and services in just a few months.

Apple Computer image with The Data Company software on screen with coloured sections

The Challenge

In an increasingly competitive and regulated market organisations continue to look at how they can adapt and transform to meet the growing demands of customers and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Today organisations want the ability to be agile and to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes in a productive and cost-effective way. However established businesses have grown, whether organically or through acquisition, with a debt of technology, technical architectures and processes. Changing any of these to achieve business improvement is costly and time consuming, often resulting in the organisations standing still for many months or even years whilst these transformation projects are undertaken.

Computer screen mockup with The Data Company accountwith coloured pie charts and bar charts

The Solution

The Data Company uses a combination of composable data and business applications, supported by our fusionFINIUM delivery approach involving a team of knowledgeable and experienced business and IT professionals to rapidly deliver new solutions to business challenges, in weeks.

Our customers have approached The Data Company to solve a range of business challenges including;

Reducing manual processes using spreadsheets, increasing control and auditability, connecting 13 different systems to provide real time insights on business operations.

Designing and building a new motor finance application solution with an underwriting decision engine, links to external credit rating agencies and banks, as well as facial recognition security, enabling dealers to provide immediate multiple car finance quotes.

Designing and building an online pharmacy portal connecting doctors, patients and the pharmacy to enable prescriptions to be ordered online and delivered to the patient’s door.

The Data Company’s dataFINIUM and infoFINIUM provide the platforms to deliver scalable and secure business applications and processes. When combined with our fusionFINIUM delivery methodology we can deliver working solutions in weeks.

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Key Features & Main Benefits


Deliver new business applications in weeks to solve business challenges faster


Seamless Integration with other applications


A platform that can be used to build and support multiple applications giving fast return on investment


A platform with no user-based licensing enabling you to grow without worrying about further user licence fees


Increased transparency, control and audit


Responsive design allows applications to be used across multiple devices


Intuitive user interface speeds up user training and adoption

Find out how we can help you

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