Our industry specific solutions solve real business challenges, ensure compliance & improve productivity across the organisation.
Insurance Industry
Industry Specific Solutions
Insurers, Reinsurers, MGA’s and Brokers hold vast amounts of data about customers, products, underwriting, pricing, risks, exposures, claims, brokers, commissions and financials to name but a few.
Organisations hold this data on multiple systems or in data warehouses from which they are looking to extract and enrich the information to gain valuable insights either in real time or for use with analytics tools to help improve areas such as customer offerings, pricing & risk selection, claims and fraud assessment. In addition organisations are looking to use new tools and applications to streamline processes and provide a better level of customer and employee service.
The Data Company has worked with a number of insurers and brokers on projects to update their applications, migrate off legacy systems, develop new applications and deliver predicative analytics tools to help with fraud and pricing.
“In this special follow up to ProtectX3, Graham Newitt from The Data Company joins Roger Edwards from Protection Review to talk about some of the topics raised by the speakers at the event held on 4 March 2021.”