The Data Company Academy, also known as the Young Minds Programme, is a unique and comprehensive training and mentoring initiative aimed at providing recent graduates with the strong foundation needed to succeed in their chosen career path.
We are always on the lookout for young and enthusiastic systems analysts, developers, and testers to join our rapidly expanding Java development centres in Johannesburg and Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Our 6-week intensive programme offers a blend of technical, business, and personal development training that equips participants with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, with an opportunity for a job offer to any outstanding individuals.
The objective of the programme is to empower participants to build a minimum viable product (MVP) based on a specified requirement and present a full demonstration of their work at the end of the six weeks. This hands-on approach to learning provides participants with practical experience and a deeper understanding of the company’s expectations and processes.
Over the course of the programme, participants will receive an orientation to The Data Company, covering all the essential aspects of working at the organisation. They will be introduced to the fundamentals of programming languages such as Java, .net, and DevApp, as well as business analysis, sprints, presentation skills, project management, testing, documentation, best practices, time management, and demonstration skills.
The Data Company puts a lot of emphasis on training and development and believes that all its current and future employees should have the tools and resources they need to do well.
After the 6-week programme, all new recruits will receive ongoing training and support in all the skills they need to be successful in their roles.
We are committed to investing in all our employees’ careers and providing graduates with opportunities for professional growth and development.
The Young Minds Programme is a vital component of this commitment, and participants will leave the programme with the skills and confidence they need to excel in their careers.